Used Kia CV5 9AZ, West Midlands


The data displayed above details the usual specification of the most recent model of this vehicle. It is not the exact data for the actual vehicle being offered for sale and data for older models may vary slightly. We recommend you check the vehicle details with the seller before you buy.

Used Kia in CV5 9AZ, West Midlands

KIA have gone from a low-cost everyday car to now being one of the most popular vehicles on the roads thanks to their design innovations and keen pricing. The range has expanded massively over the past few years with cars to suit all kinds of budgets and requirements. For those who need a compact car to get about town, there’s the Picanto or Rio cars, or if you want something with a bit more presence, there’s the Soul that retains a compact size but has 5 seats. Then there’s the Ceed, the bigger, more spacious hatchback or the new Sportage with its distinctive design and packed with the latest technology. Or if you need something for more rugged terrain and need to get from A to B whatever the weather, check out the New Sorento, the 7 seater SUV that’s available in both 2 wheel and 4 wheel drive versions. Find your perfect KIA, call 024 75103803, or come by our showroom Next Level in CV5 9AZ, West Midlands